My name is Harvey Milk, and I want
to recruit you. I want to recruit
you for the fight to preserve your
democracy. Brothers and sisters, you
must come out. Come out to your
parents. I know that it is hard and
will hurt them but think about how
they will hurt you in the voting
booth! Come out to your friends, if
they indeed are your friends. Come
out to your neighbors, to your
fellow workers. Once and for all,
break down the myths, destroy the
lies and distortions. For your sake.
For their sake. For the sake of the
youngsters who are becoming scared
by the votes from Dade to Eugene. On
the Statue of Liberty it says "Give
me your tired, your poor, your
huddled masses yearning to be free."
In the Declaration of Independence
it is written "All men are created
equal and are endowed with certain
inalienable rights." For Mr. Briggs
and Mrs. Bryant and all the bigots
out there, no matter how hard you
try, you cannot erase those words
from the Declaration of
Independence. No matter how hard you
try, you cannot chip those words
from off the base of the Statue of
Liberty. That is what America is.
Love it or leave it.
……I love that word “relationship”. Covers all manner of sins, doesn’t it?
I fear that this had become a bad relationship.
A relationship based on a president taking what he wants, and casually ignoring all those things really matters to, erm…..Britain
We may be a small country, but we are a great one, too.
The country of shakespear, churchill, the beatles, Sean connery, Harry Potter, Devid Beckham’s right foot, David Beckham’s left foot, come to that.
And a friend bullied us is no longer a friend, and since bullies on respond to strength, from now on ward, I will be prepared to be much stronger, and the president should be prepared for that.
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